Energy audits and Energy management systems have a long tradition in Europe, providing an excellent opportunity for enterprises to identify energy-saving potentials and company-specific energy efficiency measures. They are significant instruments to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and play a key role in reaching the European Union’s energy efficiency targets. Since the EED EU/2012/27 came into effect, EU Member States have transposed the requirements of Article 8 into national legislation and are now working on the transition from Article 8 to Article 11.
In view of the forthcoming transposition of article 11, the workshop intends to shed light on the main features of new article 11 and its related EC Recommendations; present the state of art of practices and case studies to collect, assess and use data from energy audits, energy management systems and energy efficiency measures in ten EU Countries.
10.30 am // Introduction to the workshop and to LEAPto11 – Enrico Biele, ENEA – LEAPto11
10.40 am // The Commission Recommendation 2024/2002 on the Guidelines for the interpretation of Article 11 – Oronzo Daloiso, European Commission
10.55 am // Energy audits and energy management systems in the EED implementation – Miriam Jüngling, BfEE (BAFA)
11.10 am // Analysis of Practices to Collect, Store and Assess Information from EAs and EnMS in 10 EU Countries – Ada Elsa Claus
11.25 am // A recent assessment of energy audits under art.8 in Croatia – Igor Hegediš, EIHP
11.40 am // Questions, break
12.00 pm // Overview of the implementation of EE measures under current article 8 – Chiara Martini, ENEA
12.15 pm // Tracking energy efficiency measures in the Portuguese SGCIE – Paulo Calau, ADENE
12.30 pm // Questions, next steps – Enrico Biele, ENEA – LEAPto11
12.40 pm // End of the meeting