LEAPto11 | Event

Energy Audits and Energy Management Systems in the Energy Efficiency Directive and beyond

March 6, 2025 // Rimini

The event was held within the framework of the LEAPto11 project, which aims to support European Member States in the transposition and rollout of the new Article 11 of the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) recast.

The meeting provided an opportunity to:

  • Gather insights from stakeholders on expectations, barriers, and needs regarding Industry and SME-related topics in the recast EED.
  • Present the state of play of energy audits and EnMS policies in 10 European Member States.
  • Assess the role of national energy efficiency measures in policy implementation.
  • Showcase successful case studies and discuss potential challenges in transitioning from the current provisions to the new EED requirements.

Discussions focused primarily on the Italian context, complemented by an overview of the German landscape and insights from the 10 National Energy Agencies involved in the project. The event facilitated an open dialogue on the challenges and opportunities of implementing the revised EED provisions at the national level.


Introduction by Enrico Biele, ENEA

Tracking Energy Efficiency Measures: how 10 European Countries collect data from Audits and Energy management systems by Claudia Toro, ENEA

Energy audits and EnMS under the EED article 8 implementation in Germany by Daniel Vallentin, dena

ENEA’s support to stakeholders in the context of article 8 EED by Marcello Salvio, ENEA

Round Table: New Energy Efficiency Directive: challenges and opportunities in the Italian Energy audit obligation scheme

  • Moderator: Enrico Biele, ENEA
  • Speakers: Antonio Beneduce, AssoESCo, Antonio Panvini, CTI (Presentation) & Enrico D’Aurelio, ASSOEGE (Presentation)

Conclusion by Marcello Salvio, ENEA